We have a very packed agenda for January 24, 2017! It is our annual re-organizaiton meeting at which we will elect our officers for 2017, approve our budget, and vote on program proposals for our 10 2017 meetings, as well as consider dates and possible speakers for our annual dinner.
In addition, we will consider some revisions to our by-laws, and discuss a procedure for the selection/appointment of a representative to the Contra Costa County Democratic Party Central Committee in anticipation of suggested changes to the Central Committee By-Laws.
This agenda was developed at the Executive Board meeting on December 29, 2016, at which a quorum was present (President, Executive Vice President, Vice President-Treasurer, Vice President Media, Vice President Communications, Vice President Membership).
Although our we were not able to review a completed budget draft, our treasurer reported on the actual revenues and expenses for 2016, and compared the preliminary actual figures with our 2016 budget.
We also considered a couple of ideas for programs and or club activities in part because after the November election results, so many club members and other Democrats want to “DO SOMETHING!” Under the circumstances the eboard proposes these activities as possible meeting topics and/or activities:
- Partner with a Democratic Club in a neighboring congressional district where there’s a Republican Congressional representative and do a joint canvass of Republican voters to discuss the local impact of revocation of Affordable Care Act and encourage those voters to contact their Congressional Representative to discourage termination of the entire ACA (aka Obamacare.)
- Identify potential state legislative races in Republican States where electing a Democrat could affect Congressional re-districting in 2020
- Partner with other East Bay Democratic Clubs to sponsor a debate between the two declared candidates for Chair of the California Democratic Party.
Although we won’t be able to finalize topics and speakers for the entire year, we rely on suggestions from members at the January meeting to secure speakers for our meetings.
[This preview of the January meeting should be considered a report on the proceedings of the Eboard meeting.]