Letter to the Editor

By Betty Brown

“This is to clarify my remarks at our June meeting as reported in the July newsletter regarding theĀ initiationĀ of a Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps at a local high school. This plan first came to my attention via a 2/14/14 article in the West County Times reporting on the 2/12/14 School Board Meeting. Discussion by the 5 Trustees following the Principal’s presentation indicated 4 members expressing enthusiasm and 1 asking questions. The official minutes indicate “Superintendent Harter reiterated that he heard that the Board supports building the program into the budget and bringing it to De Anza High School for the 2014-15 school year.” (I inferred this was a consensus decision.) On 5/28/14 in accordance with a written request from East Bay Peace Action the item was on the agenda and I, with a fellow (EBPA) board member, made a 10 minute presentation in opposition followed by at least 10 others speaking 2 minutes each. The Board President announced the item would be on the 6/11/14 agenda with the Principal and a JROTC representative presenting and a vote taken. At least 15 of us spoke 2 minutes each in opposition on 6/11, but the Board voted 4 to 1 in favor of the proposal. My involvement with the district goes back to the 1050’s and to my knowledge there never has been a prior JROTC program in the district.”