The City of El Cerrito sent out the following information to community leaders (many of our Club members have already have seen this) about the sales-tax measure for the City on the ballot in November:
The El Cerrito City Council placed a local funding measure on the November 2014 ballot to extend the existing voter-approved Measure R at the one cent rate for twelve years. If enacted, this continuation measure would generate additional locally-controlled funds for local projects and services, with money that could not be taken by the State.
Measure R was previously approved by local voters four years ago. Measure R is extended at the one cent rate, the City will be able to maintain current levels of public safety, including police services, neighborhood patrols, crime prevention programs, and rapid 9-1-1 response times, as well as after-school programs for children and teens and city parks, playfields, paths and open spaces.
The focus of the sales-tax extension is:
- Maintaining current levels of firefighters, fire protection and emergency medical services
- Maintaining rapid 9-1-1 response times, neighborhood police patrols, crime prevention and investigation
- Maintaining earthquake and disaster preparedness programs
- Maintaining after-school programs for children and teens
- Maintaining and improving city parks, playfields, paths and open space
The Club will consider endorsing this measure on Aug 23.