April Newsletter

El Cerrito Democratic Club

Newsletter – April 2019


  1. Upcoming Meeting Preview for April 23, 2019
    1. Agenda – Janet Abelson
    2. Program – Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch
  2. Membership Renewals – Greg Lyman
  3. Recap of March 26, 2019 Membership Meeting – Glen Nethercut
  4. US Fourth National Climate Assessment – Article – Hari Lamba
  5. Environmental Sub-Committee & What We Can Do to Mitigate Climate Change – Bob MacDonald

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Environmental Action Committee

The Environmental Action Committee is  meeting Monday evening May 27. Current members include: Hari Lamba, Janet Abelson, and Robert McDonald.  All members are welcome to join.  For more information, contact Hari, Robert, or Janet (ecdc.pres@gmail.com).