by Greg Lyman
The Club formed a subcommittee during the January 2015 meeting to review and propose bylaws changes. The subcommittee consists of ECDC members Al Miller, Nick Arzio, Gabe Quinto and Greg Lyman.
The subcommittee was tasked with reviewing the Executive Officer definitions, clarify annual dues, revise membership to define a member in good standing’ (a Central Committee requirement) and develop language to protect the integrity of the ECDC endorsement.
The subcommittee met several times in February and developed an initial draft of the bylaws and the endorsement standing rules for Executive Board review.
In addition to proposed changes to address the wishes the membership expressed in the January meeting, the subcommittee found several other items ripe for update, including elimination of rank choice voting, definition of standing and ad hoc committees and designating Rules of Order for club meetings.
The subcommittee and the Executive Board will discuss proposed changes and develop presentations for the membership to consider during the Executive Board meeting currently scheduled for March 30, 2015.
The specific language changes to the bylaws and the endorsement standing rules consistent with the assigned subcommittee scope and a discussion of other proposed language changes will be brought to the membership at a future meeting, probably the April 28, 2015 meeting, depending on progress and meeting agendas.