Volunteers Valued at ECDC

In 2006 and 2008 I organized the club’s campaign walks as a volunteer.  That is how I began to participate in the El Cerrito Democratic Club.  It was a discreet task with a defined goal – get the club’s endorsements to the residents of El Cerrito.  It was a way to help the club function and achieve its mission.  The club does not walk endorsements every year, just even years, however, we have other activities that do occur every year and your help would be appreciated.  Since this is an election year, with a few more activities than non-campaign years, we have even more opportunities for you to help!  Here is a list of six (6) volunteer opportunities in 2018:

  • Organize endorsement walks in May
  • Register voters at Loving Day in June
  • Staff our booth on the 4th of July
  • Assist at the endorsement forum on Saturday the 25th of August
  • Organize endorsement walks in September
  • Set-up and staff the Annual Dinner in October

Also, we would appreciate a helper to set up the monthly meetings and clean up at the end.  If you are interested in any of these tasks, please see President Janet Abelson or me at one of the next meetings or email Janet at ECDC.Pres@gmail.com.

On behalf of the Board, I thank everyone who plans to volunteer,

-Greg Lyman