Proposed 2019 Budget

The Executive Board (EBoard) of the El Cerrito Democratic Club (Club) recommends a budget that outspends our revenue by almost $2,500. Attached to this article are three tables, the Proposed 2019 budget, Budgets and Actuals over the past five years, and 2018 Budget versus Actual Expenditures. Last year was the first time in the past 5 years where the Club spent more than its revenue, despite proposed negative budgets since 2014. Comments on the individual budget lines are provided for Club member review. Last year’s deficit is in large part due to Donations to Democratic Party of Contra Costa County events and fewer attendees at the Annual Dinner.
The proposed budget will be considered for adoption at the January 22, 2019 meeting. Only Active Members (dues paid) can participate in the vote.

Annual Membership Renewal Period is NOW – Please renew for member benefits

ECDC membership runs from January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year.  2018 members can renew anytime before June 1st, and must be renewed to participate in any club votes – like election of club officers, approval of the 2019 Annual Budget and deciding about 2019 Programs on Tuesday January 22nd (fourth Tuesday of the month).  After June 1st, members from 2018 are treated like new members, and must wait the minimum waiting time to participate in Club endorsement votes (for example: the 2020 Presidential Candidate Endorsement).  New members who join after September 1st, 2019 are members for the balance of 2019 and all of 2020 before they need to renew in January 2021. Membership is $20 for one person at an address, $30 for two at the same address, and $5 for students. Please add an additional $12 if you request a hardcopy newsletter delivered to your mailing address.  If you do not remember if you have renewed for 2019, please email  Renew

  1. online at,
  2. mailing a check (made out to ECDC) to ECDC, P.O. Box 192, El Cerrito, CA 94530, or
  3. bringing your payment to the January 22, 2019 meeting.

If you mail in your dues payment, please provide us with your name(s), address and email.


December 11 Holiday Party Includes Club Business

At the November 27 Club Meeting, members decided to conduct business at the December 11 Holiday Party. Two items will be considered.

  1. The club will take action to elect our representation to the Contra Costa Central Committee. We have two individuals interested in representing the club as Representative and Alternate. If others are interested in these two positions, they should let the club President Janet Abelson know ( and attend the Holiday Party. Business will start around 7:30PM.
  2. The club will take action on endorsement of California Democratic Assembly District Delegates (ADEM). These positions are elected in January 2019 to represent us at the State Democratic Party conventions and executive board meetings. Seven (7) women and seven (7) men are elected. People interested in getting the ECDC endorsement should arrive at the Holiday Party ready to canvass the room for endorsement votes.

See you at the Holiday Party, Tuesday December 11 from 7Pm to 9PM at 7 Pomona Ave.