Attendees:  Peter, Hilary, Kip, Tom, Marlene
Absent:       Gabe, Greg, Mollie, Mister
A. Dinner:
Suggest to incoming VP-Memberships that it is advisable to keep a separate sign-in for elected officials (to speed their movement into the room and to keep the Membership tally clear).
Hilary suggested Dems see Rita’s Facebook page for great photos!
B. Delegate Submission:
Peter will have emailed Rocky the delegate info on the official form.
Consensus was reached that including delegate candidate statements on the ballot was a good idea.
C. November 28 programming:
See meeting preview.
D. Holiday Party:  Dessert potluck at Hilary’s on Friday, December 8, starting at 7 pm.  Hilary will provide the mulled wine. Peter will check to see if Mister, Mollie and Gabe can attend.
E. Next year’s officers:   Currently we have vacancies in Membership, Publications, and Records.
Peter will talk to other current officers to determine whether they are continuing.
G. Website/Newsletter/data topics: The Board discussed the way in which our Publications need management by someone with an  IT background and web experience.  We also discussed how the Membership role might be enhanced by a database application (e.g. SQL) to enable keeping member lists, dues paid, and the ability to link to mailing/e-distribution (MailChimp, etc) to be done more coherently.
2018 Budget:
Greg and others attending thought some budget amendments should be discussed at the next meeting, probably mostly 2018 calendar year costs or revenue.
– cost for an IT consultant to help with Pubs and Memberships
– cost for postcard stamps & first class stamps (to be purchased before January 26 when USPS rates go up) for endorsement meeting
– cost of Feb 2018 meeting at ECHS for the AD15 endorsement, and July or Aug meeting for other, downticket endorsements
– increased fee for those few (~ 35 people) who receive a hardcopy newsletter.  Tom Cesa suggests that the price should be an amount that is distinguishable from a regular membership.
2018 Meeting Plans:
Peter – January meeting:  elect officers; setup 2018 calendar of topics
Peter – February 27 meeting:  AD15 Endorsement.   At least 9 candidates at 10 minutes per?   Invite our current assemblymember Tony Thurmond to attend.
Peter/Mister – Save the Date announcement at this Sat. Nov 4 forum at CCC re Feb 27 2018 for AD 15 candidates/endorsement.
Peter- to contact WCCUSD about the cost of venue.
Peter- July or August:  Candidate meeting at ECHS for down ballot races:  city council, community college, District Attorney, Regional Parks, Assessor, etc.
–Recruit walkers for November ballot….