November Meeting Preview

On November 24, 2015, the ECDC welcomes Jeff Koertzen, Chair of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County as its final guest speaker of 2015. Jeff will give a short presentation on the state of the DPCCC followed by Q&A.

The Club will consider a number of Bylaws and Standing Rule changes.  Please see the summary article in the newsletter and the for full text of those changes, please visit

Stay tuned to a new date for the annual Holiday Party. We’re changing the date and format this year.


Action Requested: Changes to Bylaws and Standing Rules

At the November 24th member meeting the membership will consider changes to the bylaws and Endorsement Standing Rules.

The Executive Board recommends changes to the Bylaws and Endorsement Standing Rules to clarify current dues renewal processes, improve officer definitions, redefine when members need to join for election year endorsements, define literature the club will carry and how delegates are selected. The documents can be reviewed at the ECDC website and limited hardcopies will be available at the November 24th meeting.

Specific bylaw changes proposed include:

Adding a sentence about member renewal upon payment (Section III) and adding sentences regarding timing of annual dues (Section IV).

Adding a subsection that only paid members can vote (Section V.E.1)

Section VII Officers was revised to clarify term of office (Section VII.A), election processes (Section VII.B, VII.C, VII.D and VII.F) and changes to duties (Section VII.E).

Section VIII Executive Board was revised to provide more structure and clarify how the Executive Board acts (Section VIII.C)

A sentence that was inconsistent with the Endorsement Standing Rules was eliminated (Section IX).

Two sub-sections regarding the use of the ECDC identity were added (Section X).

Specific Endorsement Standing Rule changes proposed include:

Elimination of the term “Self-Identified Democrat” (former Section A.3, Section B.1, Section B.2, Section B.3 and Section B.4)

Increasing the time on the ECDC membership role from 30-days to 45-days and addingthat members must be in good standing by June 1st to participate in endorsements (new Section A.3).

Clarification language on invitations to candidates in Section B.2, Type of Forum.

Addition of Section E, Distribution of Endorsed Candidate and Ballot Measure Literature.

Addition of Section F, Selection of California Democratic Party Delegates.

See full text of changes in the links below:

By Laws Proposed Changes

Standing Rules Proposed Changes

Message from the President

Minimum Wage Campaign Update

The ECDC’s lobbying and organizing efforts on increasing the minimum wage in El Cerrito persuaded the City Council to vote unanimously on the first reading of an ordinance November 3, 2015. The ordinance establishes the following rate minimum wage rate schedule:

Date Wage Rate (per hour)
July 1, 2016 $11.60
January 1, 2017 $12.15
January 1, 2018 $13.60
January 1, 2019 $15.00
After January 1, 2020 Increase by CPI

The second reading and final vote for the ordinance is expected to be on November 17, 2015.

Great job everyone!

Executive Board officer elections are in January and our board needs volunteers. If you know someone who is interested, please have them contact Carla Hansen at

If you plan to vote in the officer elections, make sure you’re a paid, voting member by December 1.  Contact Igor Tregub if you have questions about your membership status.