Program for Sep 25 meeting

The September 25th ECDC meeting will present the following agenda items:

  • Back to School 2018-19 at the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) with Superintendent Matt Duffy,
  • ECDC Endorsement Panel and Vote for AC Transit Director at Large, and
  • Discussion and Possible Endorsement of CA State Propositions
  1. 2018-19 WCCUSD Back to School with Superintendent Mathew Duffy

Superintendent Matt Duffy will present an overview of the West Contra Costa Unified School District and the many challenges that face the district going into the new school year, including limited budgets, security concerns, curriculum, discipline issues, and the ongoing issues involving Charter vs. public schools.

Superintendent Matt Duffy is originally from New York City where he taught middle school for four years in the South Bronx and three years as a Vice Principal in Harlem.

Duffy spent nine years in the Oakland Unified School District serving as a principal and an area superintendent.   As an area superintendent, he oversaw a portfolio of 15 schools including middle and high schools throughout the city.   Before coming to WCCUSD in 2016 Duffy served as the Assistant Superintendent in Milpitas Unified where he was in charge of teaching and learning, leadership, enrollment, technology, Special Education, and LCAP development.

Superintendent Duffy is the ninth permanent superintendent in WCCUSD history.  He lives in Oakland with his wife Tamara and three kids.

  1. ECDC Endorsement Panel: AC Transit Director at Large

The two candidates for AC Transit Director at Large will make their case before members for an ECDC endorsement, with a vote to follow.

Dollene Jones is the Co-Founder/CEO of Abundance Worldwide Enterprises at St. Mary’s College.  Jones was a bus operator for AC Transit for more than 21 years and has previously run to be an AC Transit Director.   She is presently a Senior Transportation Ambassador for the Senior Mobility Action Council of the Advisory on Aging in Contra Costa County.

Joel Young is an East Bay attorney and was appointed by the AC Transit Board of Directors in February 2009 to fill one of the District’s two At Large positions.  He was elected by the voters in 2010 and re-elected to serve another term in 2014.  Previously he worked on two local campaigns and practiced securities law. Director Young earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of California at Berkeley and his Juris Doctor from the U.C. Berkeley School of Law.

  1. Discussion of Four State Propositions on California General Election Ballot

In July, members were asked to review the positions taken on the qualifying state propositions by the state Democratic Party for the November General Election.  At the August ECDC meeting, members agreed with and endorsed the same positions on the following propositions:

  • Proposition 1 (Veterans Bond) – SUPPORT
  • Proposition 2 (No Place Like Home Act) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 4 (Children’s Hospital Bond) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 6 (Road Repair Fund Repeal) —OPPOSE
  • Proposition 8 (Regulation of Dialysis Centers) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 11 (Ambulance Employee Break Restrictions) —OPPOSE
  • Proposition 12 (Farm Animal Well -Being) —SUPPORT

Members also asked that the following propositions be pulled from the list to allow additional discussion at the September 25 ECDC meeting:

  • Proposition 3 (Water Bond) —NO POSITION
  • Proposition 5 (Property Tax Assessment Changes)—OPPOSE
  • Proposition 7 (Daylight Savings Time Repeal) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 10 (Rent Control Ban Repeal) —SUPPORT

After a discussion on each Proposition (ECDC will seek possible speakers if available) members will determine whether to endorse, oppose or take no position on the above.  For in depth discussion of all CA propositions which will include a general discussion, supporters and opponents, contributors and costs go to the Ballotopedia website at:

Specific Ballot Propositions for Discussion:

  1. Proposition 3: Water Bond **

Official Ballot Title: Authorizes Bonds to Fund Projects for Water Supply and Quality, Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Water Conveyance, and Groundwater Sustainability and Storage. Initiative Statute

A “yes” vote supports this measure to authorize $8.877 billion in general obligation bonds for water infrastructure, groundwater supplies and storage, surface water storage and dam repairs, watershed and fisheries improvements, and habitat protection and restoration.
A “no” vote opposes this measure to authorize $8.877 billion in general obligation bonds for water infrastructure, groundwater supplies and storage, surface water storage and dam repairs, watershed and fisheries improvements, and habitat protection and restoration.

 For additional background information go to:,_Water_Infrastructure_and_Watershed_Conservation_Bond_Initiative_(2018)

  1. Proposition 5: Property Tax Assessment Changes

Official Ballot Title:  Changes Requirements for Certain Property Owners to Transfer Their Property Tax Base to Replacement Property. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute

A “yes” vote supports amending Proposition 13 (1978) to allow homebuyers who are age 55 or older or severely disabled to transfer their tax assessments, with a possible adjustment, from their prior home to their new home, no matter (a) the new home’s market value; (b) the new home’s location in the state; or (c) the buyer’s number of moves.
A “no” vote opposes amending Proposition 13 (1978) to change how tax assessments are transferred between properties for homebuyers who are age 55 or older or severely disabled.

For additional background information go to:,_Property_Tax_Transfer_Initiative_(2018)

  1. Proposition 7: Daylight Savings Time

Official Ballot Title: Conforms California Daylight Saving Time to Federal Law. Allows Legislature to Change Daylight Saving Time Period. Legislative Statute.

A yes vote supports allowing the California State Legislature to establish permanent, year-round daylight saving time (DST) in California by a two-thirds vote if federal law is changed to allow for permanent DST.
A no vote opposes allowing the California State Legislature to establish permanent, year-round daylight saving time (DST) in California by a two-thirds vote if federal law is changed to allow for permanent DST.

For additional background information go to:,_Permanent_Daylight_Saving_Time_Measure_(2018)

  1. Proposition 10: Allow Local Rent Control

Official Ballot Title:  Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. Initiative Statute

A yes vote supports allowing local governments to adopt rent control, repealing the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act.
A no vote opposes the initiative, thus keeping the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act and continuing to prohibit local governments from enacting rent control on certain buildings.

For additional background information go to:,_Local_Rent_Control_Initiative_(2018)

** Summary information on propositions used here is from Ballotpedia.

Membership meeting preview

Upcoming regular Membership Meeting will be held on August 28, 2018 at the Presbyterian Church at 545 Ashbury Ave, El Cerrito 94530. Meeting will start at 6:30 pm

Agenda submitted by Janet Abelson

  • 6:00 Doors Open:  Pizza available ($5)
  • 6:30  Call to Order
  • 6:35 October 20 Dinner – Mark your calendar
  • 6:40 Fall Precinct Walking Volunteers
  • 6:45  Announcements

Announcements to include proposal by Hari Lamba to compose and send an ECDC Resolution to the national Democratic Committee, not to accept money from Fossil Fuel Companies – see short blurb in newsletter below.

Program Presentations (Information submitted by Paul Fadelli)

Democratic candidates for the following offices — who have either no opposition, have Republican opponents or have won that seat in the June primary — are on the ECDC Consent Endorsement list and will not participate in the August 25 event.  However, these candidates will be invited to address ECDC members at the August 28 meeting at the club’s regular venue if they wish to attend.

  • Governor
    • Gavin Newsom
  • Secretary of State
    • Alex Padilla
  • Treasurer
    • Betty Yee
  • Controller
    • Fiona Ma
  • Insurance Commissioner
    • Ricardo Lara
  • Board of Equalization
    • Malia Cohen
  • Attorney General
    • Xavier Becerra
  • Contra Costa County Supervisor
    • John Gioia
  • CC County District Attorney
    • Diana Becton
  • US Representative
    • Mark DeSaulnier

This meeting will continue the Club’s endorsement process. There are 12 propositions on the November General Election Ballot and the County Democratic Party has made endorsement recommendations on all of them.   Because of the great number of initiatives and the lengthy process it would take to review, the ECDC board is recommending that members review the endorsement positions of the county party and determine if there are any propositions which might warrant separate discussion and endorsement by ECDC members.

Following is the list of CA ballot initiative for the November 2018 election:

Proposition 1 Bonds Issues $4 billion in bonds for housing programs and veterans’ home loans
Proposition 2 Bonds Authorizes state to use revenue from millionaire’s tax for $2 billion in bonds for homelessness prevention housing  
Proposition 3 Bonds Issues $8.877 billion in bonds for water-related infrastructure and environmental projects  
Proposition 4 Bonds Issues $1.5 billion in bonds for children’s hospitals  
Proposition 5 Taxes Revises process for homebuyers who are age 55 or older or severely disabled to transfer their tax assessments  
Proposition 6 Taxes Repeals 2017’s fuel tax and vehicle fee increases and requires public vote on future increases  
Proposition 7 Time Authorizes legislature to provide for permanent daylight-saving time if federal government allows  
Proposition 8 Healthcare Requires dialysis clinics to issue refunds for revenue above a certain amount  
Proposition 10 Housing Allows local governments to regulate rent  
Proposition 11 Labor Allow ambulance providers to require workers to remain on-call during breaks paid  
Proposition 12 Animals Bans sale of meat from animals confined in spaces below specific sizes  

For ECDC member review, following is the list of recommended positions by the County Democratic Party for the 2018 General Election. Please be prepared on August 28 to endorse those positions on the propositions as presented by the County Party on a consent list or to recommend further discussion of specific propositions to be taken up at the September 25th ECDC meeting.

Statewide Ballot Measures:

  • Proposition 1 (Veterans Bond) – SUPPORT
  • Proposition 2 (No Place Like Home Act) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 3 (Water Bond) —NO POSITION
  • Proposition 4 (Children’s Hospital Bond) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 5 (Property Tax Assessment Changes)—OPPOSE
  • Proposition 6 (Road Repair Fund Repeal) —OPPOSE
  • Proposition 7 (Daylight Savings Time Repeal) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 8 (Regulation of Dialysis Centers) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 9 (Dividing California) —OPPOSE
  • Proposition 10 (Rent Control Ban Repeal) —SUPPORT
  • Proposition 11 (Ambulance Employee Break Restrictions) —OPPOSE
  • Proposition 12 (Farm Animal Well -Being) —SUPPORT

Source: CDP endorsements:

For more detailed information on the November 2018 ballot initiative measures go to:

As mentioned above, any candidate who does not need to seek an ECDC endorsement may request to address our club at this meeting. Additional information on the September 25 ECDC Meeting featuring WCCUSD Superintendent Mathew Duffy will be available early next month.

8:25 pm  Adjourn

March Meeting Preview

The March club meeting will be held on March 27, 2018 at the Presbyterian Church at 545 Ashbury Ave, El Cerrito 94530.

Meeting begins at 6:30 PM. Arrive at 6 PM to enjoy Pizza for $5/ slice.

At our March meeting we will vote on the following:

  • Minutes of February 27, 2018 Meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Ratification of President Janet Abelson’s appointment of Hari Lamba as VP of Publications

Meeting Business

Anti-SB 1 Effort & Parks Bond Measure (Prop. 68)

Guest speakers at the March 27th Membership meeting will discuss two issues of importance that could be impacted by upcoming elections: (1) Proposition 68 – the Parks, Environment, and Water Bond on the June primary election ballot, and (2) efforts to overturn in November SB 1– the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 which was recently passed to provide critical transportation funding in the state.

  • Proposition 68: Representatives of the East Bay Regional Parks, Erick Pfuehler, Government Affairs Manager, and Lis Baldinger, Legislative Assistant, will discuss benefits of the proposition up for a vote in June which was pushed legislatively by Sen. Kevin De Leon.  A “yes” vote would authorize $4 billion in general obligation bonds for state and local parks, environmental protection projects, water infrastructure projects, and flood protection projects.
  • El Cerrito BART issues/SB 1 Repeal efforts: El Cerrito’s BART Director Rebecca Saltzman will provide a brief update on issues which impacting BART riders and the El Cerrito BART stations. She will also provide information on efforts to place a proposition on the November ballot to repeal recently passed SB 1 (Beall) which raised the gas tax and will provide funding for a variety of road, transportation and transit programs and projects in the state.

County Candidates and Measures for ECDC Endorsement:

The El Cerrito Democratic Club will seek endorsement by its members of the following candidates and measures at the meeting on March 27, 2018.

The candidates included here are (1) Democrats running for positions in Contra Costa County and (2) the State Superintendent of Public Instruction — a non-partisan post where a majority vote on the June primary election will elect that candidate without a General Election campaign.

More information on Contra Costa County elections can be obtained at:

ECDC will also consider endorsement of the Regional Measure (RM3) to be voted on by all the nine Bay Area Counties in June to help solve the Bay Area’s growing congestion problems.  The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) worked with the state Legislature to authorize this ballot measure that would finance a comprehensive list of highway and transit improvements through an increase of bridge tolls on the region’s seven state-owned toll bridges.  Senate Bill 595 (authored by Sen. Jim Beall of San Jose) was passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Brown in fall 2017.  If approved by a majority of voters in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma counties, toll revenues would be used to finance a $4.45 billion slate of highway and transit improvements in the toll bridge corridors and their approach routes.

For endorsement consideration


  1. State Superintendent of Public Instruction
    1. Tony Thurmond
    2. Marshall Tuck
    3. No Endorsement

Contra Costa County:

  1. Contra Costa District Attorney
    1. Diana Becton
    2. No Endorsement
  2. Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools
    1. Lynn Mackey
    2. No Endorsement
  3. Contra Costa County Assessor
    1. Gus Kramer
    2. Geoffrey William Steele
    3. No Endorsement
  4. Contra Costa County Auditor–Controller
    1. Ayore Riaunda
    2. No Endorsement


  1. Regional Measure 3
    1. Support
    2. Oppose
    3. No Endorsement