Message from the President

Minimum Wage Campaign Update

The ECDC’s lobbying and organizing efforts on increasing the minimum wage in El Cerrito persuaded the City Council to vote unanimously on the first reading of an ordinance November 3, 2015. The ordinance establishes the following rate minimum wage rate schedule:

Date Wage Rate (per hour)
July 1, 2016 $11.60
January 1, 2017 $12.15
January 1, 2018 $13.60
January 1, 2019 $15.00
After January 1, 2020 Increase by CPI

The second reading and final vote for the ordinance is expected to be on November 17, 2015.

Great job everyone!

Executive Board officer elections are in January and our board needs volunteers. If you know someone who is interested, please have them contact Carla Hansen at

If you plan to vote in the officer elections, make sure you’re a paid, voting member by December 1.  Contact Igor Tregub if you have questions about your membership status.