Resolution, Executive Board Election and 2015 Calender

The following resolution (proposed by Club members Al and Barbara Miller) will be considered by the Club at the January meeting:


WHEREAS, Both Governor Jerry Brown and UC President Janet Napolitano have proposed major tuition increases for students at the University of California, further limiting the overwhelming majoring of California’s students from access to the University; and


WHEREAS, The driving force behind all tuition increases in California Higher Education is the cumulative financial shortfall caused by the under taxation of commercial and industrial property resulting from Prop 13; and


WHEREAS, There is an urgent need to place reform of Prop 13, in order to close commercial property loopholes and require annual reassessment of commercial properties, on the November 2016 ballot;


BE IT RESOLVED: That the El Cerrito Democratic Club requests that Senator Loni Hancock, Assembly member Rob Bonta and Assembly member Tony Thurmond publicly:


  1. Oppose any further increases in California Higher Education
  2. Support placing Prop 13 reform on the November 2016 ballot


Executive Board Candidates

  • Carla Hansen-President and VP of Publications
  • Greg Lyman-Executive Vice President and Treasurer
  • Gabe Quinto-VP of Programs
  • Scott Lyons-Immediate Past President
  • Igor Tregub-VP of Membership

The executive board has many vacancies and needs volunteers to fill those rolls. If you’re interested in joining the board, please contact Carla Hansen 

 Programming ideas for 2015

Here are options for meeting topics for 2015:


  • Assembly member Tony Thurmond-Legislative Priorities
  • West Contra Costa School District 2015 Priorities
  • Police and Racial Bias
  • Election Reform
  • Keeping it Local- City Budget, San Pablo Ave Specific Plan, Affordable Housing, Smoking Ordinance
  • Charter vs. Public School Debate
  • Food and Water Watch
  • Legalizing Marijuana
  • Cancel June and July meetings


Club members are welcome to provide their own ideas for meetings and feedback on these ideas at the January meeting.