At the November 2015 meeting, the Chair Contra Costa County Central Committee, Jeff Koertzen address the Club about the status of the Democratic Party.
Overall, the Party is doing well but not great. Dems will likely win the Presidency in 2016 but won’t take back the house. Turn out is a huge issue. The Party isn’t listening to the electorate as well as it could be.
The Central Committee has started a Club-Council forum with meetings that rotate through the County. There has yet to be a meeting in West County. Club members are encouraged to participate.
Region 2 ( the Club’s region) will gain a seat on the Central Committee due to higher turnout in the last election.
The Central Committee is working to better communicate how the Party is organized and how Club members can get involved. Elections to the Central Committee will be held on June 7.
By-Law Changes and Approval
The Club approved recommended by-law changes with minor revisions. The Club voted to postpone action on changes to the Standing Rules to a later meeting.
Pre-Endorsement Conference Delegates
The Club voted to confirm the list of delegates submitted to the Regional Director and Chair of Central Committee, send a strong letter to the Regional Director about the lack of adequate communication on the new process of selecting delegates and vote on who the delegates should be voting to endorse at the January 26 meeting