Except for members who joined or paid dues after October 1, 2016, all ECDC members must renew in order to vote at our January 24, 2017 re-organization meeting! Although our by-laws permit members in good standing to renew at the meeting, the more renewals we can process in advance of the meeting the quicker sign in will be for everyone.
If at all possible, please renew either by mail – in which case please mail your check by January 18 – or on line at http://ecdclub.org/join/.
Here is the information to renew by mail:
Standard voting membership dues (electronic newsletter included) are:
- Individual: $20
- Two at one address: $30
- Student: $5
- Sliding-scale membership dues available
- To receive our newsletter by mail, please add $10 to your membership dues.
- Newsletter subscriptions, without a voting membership, are $10 per year.
Please make your check payable to ECDC and mail to:
El Cerrito Democratic Club
PO Box 192
El Cerrito, CA 94530