August Meeting Recap

Minimum Wage Campaign Update 

The ECDC’s lobbying and organizing efforts on increasing the minimum wage in El Cerrito persuaded the City Council on Tuesday, August 18, 2015,  to hold a  study session to discuss creating an ordinance to increase the minimum wage. They directed City staff to draft an ordinance that would set the minimum wage at $15 per hour for all workers employed in El Cerrito by either 2018 or 2020.

The Club’s efforts are NOT finished. We still need to make sure this ordinance get enacted by January 1, 2016. Stay tuned for more opportunities to stay involved on this issue.

Meeting Recap

The August meeting featured a discussion of “high” policy importance. Sean Donahoe, co-founder of the California Cannabis Industry Association presented on what’s happened and what the future looks like for cannabis policy reform. Sean provided an in-depth background on how Washington and Colorado are doing after legalizing recreational and medical use of marijuana. He spoke about the 2016 election and the anticipated ballot measure. Sean answered a multitude of questions from Club members.

The meeting was also covered in the Contra Costa Times.