by Igor Tregub

At the upcoming March 22 meeting, we will consider endorsements of the following legislation. I urge your vote to support all of these!

ABX2-9 (Asm. Thurmond) – Will expand eligibility for funding for a state tobacco use prevention program to include charter schools and require that all school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education receiving funding under the program adopt and enforce a tobacco-free campus policy. ABX2-9 info

AB2406 (Asm. Thurmond) – Will incentivize the creations of and provide standards for regulation of junior accessory dwelling units in municipalities as part of a strategy to address the housing crisis. AB 2406 info

AB 2756 (Asm. Thurmond, Williams) – Will make several changes to tighten enforcement actions governing oil and gas operations, and give local authorities additional jurisdiction to increase fines when violations are not cured. AB 2756 info

AB 2824 (Asm. Thurmond) – Will require Registrars of Voters whose elections systems have the technical capacity to do so to post on their websites starting on election night a downloadable spreadsheet-format detail file by precinct of totals for all races in the election. This is exactly the data stakeholders need in extremely close contests.

SB 1277 (Sen. Hancock): Declares that the transportation of coal through West Oakland would present a clear and present danger to the health and safety of Oakland residents as well as the workers handling the coal. This bill also prohibits the shipment of coal through any Oakland facility that has been paid for in part with state funds.

SB 1278 (Sen. Hancock): Would require an environmental impact review from any public agency authorized to approve any portion of a project relating to the shipment of coal through Oakland.

SB 1279 (Sen. Hancock):Would prohibit the use of public funds to build or operate any port that exports coal from California. Also applies to any port near disadvantaged communities.

SB 1280 (Sen. Hancock): Requires ports that ship bulk commodities and receive state funds to prohibit coal shipments or to fully mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with combustion of the coal. SB 1277-80 info

AB 700, DISCLOSE Act (Asm. Gomez, Levine) – Requires the top three funders of ballot measure ads to be shown clearly on the ads, and funders disclosed on ads to be the original sources of the contributions to the committee that paid for the ad. AB 700 info

AB 2002, Coastal Commission Lobbying Transparency Act (Asm. Stone, Atkins) – Would require those lobbying Coastal Commissioners to register as lobbyists and be subject to public disclosure laws. AB 2002 info