Message from the President

Election years are always busy for the El Cerrito Democratic Club but 2014 was a whirlwind. The Club organized four endorsement forums, walked pounds of literature for endorsed candidates and a ballot initiative and had many great speakers and interesting topics presented at our regular Club meetings.  Our Club members were very active volunteering on multiple campaigns and got out the vote in June and November. I want to thank the executive board-Greg Lyman, Gabe Qunito, Mister Phillips and Scott Lyons for their hard work this year.


What are we going to do in 2015 (a non-election year)? The main focus we want to have this year is increasing and diversifying our membership. The executive board brainstormed a few ideas on how to make that happen and would like the Club’s feedback and ideas at the January meeting:


  • ECDC-lead initiatives

o    Enact a Living Wage Ordinance in the City of El Cerrito

o    Convert all El Cerrito voters to vote-by-mail/absentee ballots

  • Increase partnerships by organizing and hosting events with other Democratic Clubs in the area (West County Dems, Hercules Dems, East Bay Young Dems, Contra Costa Young Dems)
  • By-law updates and changes to streamline membership renewal